“…any area not within either a metropolitan statistical area (as designated by
the Office of Management and Budget) or the outer boundary of any city or town
having a population of 20,000 or more.”
“the weighted average of the unemployment rate for the census tracts, based on
the labor force employment measure for each applicable census tract and any
adjacent tract included under subclause (III), is not less than 150 percent of
the national aver age unemployment rate. ”
"The term ‘infrastructure project’ means a capital investment project in a filed
or approved business plan, which is administered by a governmental entity (such
as a Federal, State, or local agency or authority) that is the job creating
entity contracting with a regional center or new commercial enterprise to
receive capital investment under the regional center program described in
subparagraph (E) from alien investors or the new commercial enterprise as
financing for maintaining, improving, or constructing a public works project."